A place to share thoughts, ideas, gadgets, and giggles from my classroom. 💜

How I Plan my Week with Erin Condren

Hey guys! I'm linking up with {Mrs. Harris }for Plan with Me Sundays! I was one of the lucky bloggers to get an {Erin Condren} planner from the Indiana Blogger meet-up! I have been waiting and waiting to finally get started organizing it to fit my schedule!
 I have wanted one for a while, and boy was I sooo excited to find out that Erin Condren had donated one for all of us!!!

I ordered some {Washi tape}, {Erasable Pens}, and {Erasable Highlighters} when it finally arrived, I was ready!
I had to find my schedule for next year. I am lucky to have my specials all at the same time for once! That is going to make planning and creating a routine in the classroom so much easier!
The lines don't match up on Friday and it drives me crazy!
I'm so glad my pens were erasable because, wow! It took a lot of time with spacing and that means it took a lot of erasing too, not to mention my sloppy, very unteacherlike handwriting!
At first, all the highlighted parts were made with Washi tape...I didn't like it much. Then I started using the highlighters. This will make it easy to see my plans, as well as my spacing!

I loved that I could split the boxes in half for several activities. Morning Work is basic. It is a math review page, spelling activity, and AR. It changes some days, but not often. I don't need a lot of space to keep track of what we do for morning work!
I have a separate RTI binder, so there again, I didn't need a lot of room to describe what we are doing. I can put a general description (contractions), then check my RTI Groups binder for the details. 
This made the box for writing PERFECT because I like to create detailed lessons for writing. Teaching writing is not my strong area, so I like to be extra prepared. 
Tape again...
It is just all so perfect!! I was able to squeeze lunch and recess in between (which look much neater with the highlighter..) because they require NO details! I know the drill:) My very end of the day is just packing up, passing out, and fill out. It is a little crazy, but it's mostly because some get finished filling out planners before others. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off during pack up time. If you have plans for that, I'd love the link!
I'm so glad I got to share my planner with you! What suggestions do you have for me on using this planner? This is my first, and I want to utilize it to its full potential! 
Head over to {Keeping Up with Mrs. Harris} to read more planning ideas!


  1. I just stumbled upon your blog and have to say I am absolutely in LOVE with the design of it! Anyway back to your post... I envy you with your Erin Condren Planner so bad! I've never had one so not able to offer you much advice on it, but i'm sure there will be LOADS of posts on instagram if you type in Erin Condren as search? I hope you have a great year using it! I'm sure you'll be very organized this year!

    Teaching Autism

    1. Oh, thank you so much!! I'm a little in love with it too;) I got lucky getting one for free, I'm not sure I could have paid so much for one if I didn't get a "free trial" kind of thing. I bet you are right with searching Instagram! Great idea! There are also lots of giveaways that have EC planners, so maybe you will get lucky one day too! Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. Awesome!! I just love EC Planners!! Thanks so much for joining us!

  3. Love the idea of erasable pens and highlighters! Where did you get those?!?

    1. They are amazing!!!! I love them with my sloppy handwriting, I have to erase a lot:) Click on the words in the post, they are from Amazon!!

  4. Thanks for joining in! I love your writing tools!!! Your planner looks awesome. I've had both the teacher planner and life planners. I love them all!

    1. Thanks! I was so happy to link up! I think I may be hooked on the EC planners!

  5. Erasable highlighters!?!? Love your supplies :)

    1. They really are amazing!! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Erasable pens . . . so what I needed today! Add that to my Amazon cart! Cute washi tape!

  7. I lurve me some Frixion pens and markers for lesson planning and grading! I order a new pack every school year for the past 2 years! How did I live without them! Great post!

    First Grade Frame of Mind

  8. I love my EC teacher planner. I'm curious to see the new release! Wow, EC must love Indiana teacher bloggers!!! That is incredible. I'm glad you have a better specials schedule. I can't imagine keeping up with it another way!

    1. I don't even think I could have used it if they hadn't changed our schedule! Woo hoo!! Thanks for stopping by!!


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