Have you heard of the book Guided Math: A Framework for Mathematics Instruction by Laney Sammons?
If you haven't I would recommend this book. Thanks to The Primary Gal, I am now participating in this book study. Thus far, I am enjoying learning and reading about Guided Math.
This book is about how to successfully conduct guided math in a classroom. If you are not familiar with guided math, it is similar to guided reading. Guided reading and guided math allow for teacher lead instruction, small group instruction, individual practice, and assessment. Guided Lessons follow the I Do (teacher), We Do (teacher and student), and You Do (student) release of responsibility.
Chapter 1 of this text, describes the components that make up a guided math lesson in the classroom. These components include: numeracy, morning warm-ups and calendar, whole-class instruction, guided math instruction with small groups, math workshops, individual conferences, and assessment.
This year, I started doing some guided math in my classroom. I decided to create my own Daily Math (Similar to the Daily 5). I do our math mini-lesson (the math lesson for the day), then we practice together. Finally, the students go into groups while I pull out students. I need to work on a few of the areas such as numeracy and calendar activities. However, my students have loved doing our Daily Math. I am going to change a few things next year to make it even more successful. Now on to Chapter 2!
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