A place to share thoughts, ideas, gadgets, and giggles from my classroom. 💜

From Trash to Tables

I had one of those horseshoe tables in my room for the past 5 years. I never, ever, ever used it! I like to sit on the floor or use a chalk board table I painted last year. I finally decided to get rid of the horseshoe! In place of it, my super sweet husband made four small tables for students to use! No more than 4 kids can comfortably be at these tables. They are perfect for groups, flexible seating workspace, and for keeping clusters of kids from forming around that stinking horseshoe table! 

I saw on a yard sale site that these tires were up for grabs, totally free! I grabbed Phillip and off we went. When I got them back home, I washed and washed them. I even put some bleach on them just to make sure whatever they were used for before was gone.
When they were dry, I took my two favorite colors and sprayed them. It took a couple coats to cover the old color, but I love how they turned out! 
From Home Depot, we got two sheets of plywood and had it cut into 4th's. From there my husband attempted creating circles. They may not be perfect circles, but they are a zillion times better than I could do myself. He made two circles for each tire, a top and a bottom. 
From there we had to attach some legs to keep the tire from caving in when kids leaned on it. We already had a 2X4 so he cut some legs from it. Each tire has 3 or 4 stands inside it.
This is the close up of how the legs are attached. 
The tire slips right over the legs. Then we put glue on top of the legs and put the other top on. The glue was to help know where on the top we needed to drill the holes to attached the other circle. 
Once it was screwed on, my husband attached wheels to the bottom. You could also put a hinge on a side of the top and have the top open for storage if you liked! 
Lastly, I used chalkboard paint for the tops. I love that they not only are functional as tables, but also as workspace! My goal is for students to sit on the floor to use these tables. I have pillows, rugs, foam pads, and a rug to make it a little more comfy for my kiddos! 


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