A place to share thoughts, ideas, gadgets, and giggles from my classroom. 💜

Five For Friday Pre-Thanksgiving Addition

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to give you my Five for Friday- Pre-Thanksgiving addition!
We have been talking about Thanksgiving all week, as I'm sure you have too.  Today in my small groups, we talked about why Thanksgiving brings us all together. It got me thinking about the reasons I look forward to Thanksgiving and why it is important to me. So I am going you my top five reasons Thanksgiving, and giving thanks, are important to me!
I am thankful anytime I get to spend time with my awesome husband. He really is great!
and freaking gorgeous!
I am thankful for my job. I love being able to make a difference in others lives. This year is taking a toll on me and my love of going to school.  I learn more and more about classroom management each day, and will become a better teacher for it! I love that their eyes light up when we do science experiments and that they share my love of coloring and creating things with construction paper. I love that they want to learn and are proud of themselves when they get assignments done that they usually struggle with. I am thankful for snow days and holiday breaks. I am more thankful for weekends and quiet lunches than others understand. I cannot think of anything I would rather do with my life!
I am thankful for cleaning out desks once a week too. 
I am thankful for the construction workers that are putting their lives(roofing is going on right now) at risk to make sure my family will have a safe, sturdy, structurally sound roof over our heads. They are out there every day in the freezing cold building my beautiful house. 
Phillip brought them doughnuts this morning:) He really is awesome!
I am thankful for my family, including my pets! They are the best, really. 
And a little goofy!

I am thankful for technology! I love using technology in the classroom, in my bedroom, in the bathtub, in another country, at the beach, anywhere I want! If I want to check on anything, I can. If my husband uses a word I don't understand (he uses big words a lot) I can google it right away and act like I knew it the whole time! I have been able to stay in contact with my friends from college that are hours away or my mom who is just across town. Of course sometimes it is nice to be out of contact, but that feeling of coming back into the technology world after a day is amazing. You feel like you have missed so much, and nothing at all at the same time. 

Head back to Doodle Bugs Teaching to check out some other Five for Friday posts!

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