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Guided Math Book Study Chapter 3

Chapter 3 is all about using math-warm ups during Guided Math.  Math Warm-Ups are simple 20-30 minute math activities that students can do when entering the classroom in the morning.  These simple math warm-ups can be review of skills learned, enrichment skills for higher level students, or practice of skills working on during guided math.  

At our school, we adopted Envison Math.  Do you use Envison Math?  How do you use the program?  We generally make a packet of the chapter's daily spiral review and problem of the day.  Each day, the students come in, they complete the daily spiral review and problem of the day from the previous day's math lesson. This keeps the students engaged and on target to review skills learned and get ready for our new math lesson.
On days that we don't have a math problem of the day or daily spiral review, I love to use Sunny Day's Second Grade Common Core Math Magic Sheets.  

These review all second grade skills that should be taught during math instruction.  I find that some of them are challenging for my lower level students, but together we review the skills.

Daily Math Stretches:  Math stretches are simple one question problems that can get the kids thinking and focused on math.  The book recommends doing a different type of math stretch each day.  

     Monday:  Number of the Day (ways to make the number ...)
     Tuesday:  What's Next (patterning)
     Wednesday:  How Did My Family Use Math Last Night? or other math questions
     Thursday:  ___________ Makes me think of.... (put a math concept in the blank such as fractions)
     Friday:  Data Collection (such as graphing or yes/no questions)

Mathematical Current Events:  To make your classroom a numeracy math rich environment, adding newspaper articles, magazine clippings, etc. about the topic of math is a great way to show students that math is all around us.  Do you ever do this?  Have you thought of doing this?  I guess I don't read enough newspapers or magazines to know about math in the current events.  However, I do read!  Lots of books!

Mathematics-Related Classroom Responsibilities:  Do you have classroom jobs?  Is of on them attendance taker or lunch count?  These are great ways to get students involved with math related jobs.

Calendar Board:  The board can contain a preview of concepts or review previously learned concepts.  The calendar board can contain  mathematical concepts such as estimation, graphing, place value, number lines, addition subtraction (days left).  The calendar itself can also lend a hand to patterning with the days of the month.

From this list, there are several things I need to work on.  One:  My calendar is pretty boring.  My student of the day puts up the calendar and writes on our whiteboard.  However, we don't really do much with calendar time.  One thing that I find difficult is the time restrictions we have in our classroom.  It seems like I just can't fit it all in.  Does anyone else have this same issue?  Aimee was really good about using our interactive whiteboard to do calendar time and make it interactive.  The students loved it.  I felt like it took forever!  I gave up on it after about 2 months.  Maybe I need to try harder next year.

I also want to keep a math board of some sort with terms, pictures, articles, examples of the concepts we are learning about.  This will give the students a visual of the concepts at hand.  I also need to do more math stretches in my room.  I am thinking this could be a simple activity done after recess!  Any thoughts on how and when you use math stretches?

Now on to Chapter 4!

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