A place to share thoughts, ideas, gadgets, and giggles from my classroom. 💜


Holy moly guys! What a week I had last week! Let me start off by saying I am soooooo sorry that none of my pictures are showing up anymore. I didn't realize that they were saved in Picasa(should have been a duh) and I noticed some pics that were uploaded just from my phone. They weren't even ones that I would use on my blogs.. I freaked out a little and deleted everything. When I deleted everything, all my blog pics got deleted too.
Then my next thought is oh, okay. This is only an hour or so of reuploading the pictures. I can handle it! Well..the super talented Mrs. R decided to spill water all over her laptop!!! Now it won't come on and I don't have any pictures (or TPT items) available. I am throwing a little pity party at my house tonight if you are in southern Indiana! haha! It is totally my fault, I'm just frustrated! Hopefully my wonderful, loving, (hopefully reading this), handsome, super handsome, husband will quickly get me a new computer:) Here's wishing! 
I have soooo many cool things to show you guys that we have been working on the past three weeks! I can't wait to get this all straightened out!
My signature is even gone:( Boo-hoo! UPDATE: Signature found! WOO HOO!! It's a start!

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