We finally have enough crayons peeled for me to melt them down into some cool shapes! I have several silicon ice trays that I like to use. I have stars, cupcakes, dog bones, owls, leaves, snowmen, and hearts! They are usually around a dollar from Target or Kroger. This time I used the owls, cupcakes and dog bones. I filled the stars, but my tray was too full! Maybe next time!
I preheated the oven to 350 and put aluminum foil over a cookie sheet. I wanted to make sure the details stayed in the crayon, so I the crayons were overflowing from each shape.
I left them in the oven for about twenty minutes. I am always so eager to get them out to see what they look like, but I was patient this time! I let them dry overnight.
They ended up looking perfect!! My students were so excited about their crayons! I had my sub hand them out while we were doing our EOY Dibels testing. The kids already were asking to peel more crayons so they can get more shapes<3
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