I'm linking up with Mrs. D and Miss V's Busy Bees to talk a little about my Classroom Decor!
Oh my gosh! I LOVE spray painting!!! I will try to spray paint anything...just ask my husband;) He hates when I say I need to get some spray paint! ha! Tomorrow is my first day back to the grind stone.. A teacher day full of meetings, getting ready for open house, and getting ready for the students to come on in! I have went a little spray paint crazy this year...I want EVERYTHING to match. It is hard to just step away from the cans...
This is my second batch of stuff to spray paint.. Earlier I did more of the black magazine holders. I am a little spoiled(Thanks babe!) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tiffany Blue and gold. So Ocean Breeze was the closest Tiffany's color I could find, and it was perfect! I also got the Metallic Brilliant Gold for my gold color!
Both of the drawer holders are for my counter. I got rid of my desk last year and it has been the best thing that has happened, except now my piles end up on the floor:) Oh well! I have a lot more space in my room now! I can't wait to show off my classroom in the upcoming grade my classroom! It is really coming along awesome! I still have a lot I want to do to make it mine, but it will all happen. I am coming to the realization that it does not all have to happen before Friday! Happy Back to School week for me!
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