Back to school.. We all knew it was going to end someday. "Summer days driften away..." Well Cassondra, one of our two new awesome fifth grade teachers(the other was getting ready for Vegas..The Primary Gal) and I went on our annual back to school shopping trip! I'm sure we were driving those poor Target workers crazy! They were trying to fill the dollar bins with school supplies and we were right on top of them! (Sorry Target workers!) We found some AMAZING deals! Usually I go to Staples for my folders and notebooks..not this year! Target was cheaper or the same!!
Target's folders were 15 cents! They are the same price as Staples, but thicker! I sure hope they last a little longer than the ones I used last year! I ended up with about 150 folders! Then I found..
Composition notebooks for all those awesome Interactive Notebook things everyone has made! I can't wait to use them! They had blue, purple, red, and yellow for 40 cents each! Staples had them for 50 cents! I decided on red and blue this year. Hopefully I remember to coordinate their notebooks with the folder for the subject! I also found a couple of super cute boarders and sparkely letters from Target! I was a little worried about breaking the belt when I piled everything on! The poor cashier had to scan EVERY SINGLE folder and notebook I got, and Cassondra got, and Shelby got... I also got a couple buckets from the dollar bins along with a pack of bookmarks and push pins for $77.00! I was excited to be under a hundred, so was Phillip:) I think all I have left to get is my markers and pens that I like for grading and writing notes! I love to be colorful, not just stick to the evil red pen!
Our first day, for teachers, is August 1st! WOW! It's coming too fast! The kiddos come, ready or not, on the 4th! I can't wait to see what this year brings, I hear it may be interesting:) When do you start back?
On a totally different note:
When I got home, I noticed I had a SnapChat from my husband. Our mailman left a bone for the dog that was inside, just because the dog outside got one! He was making sure there was "no dog left behind":) We just have the BEST mailman!
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